Sysop Blogs

KC8ZKI Gateway Offline

The KC8ZKI gateway is temporarily offline for station reconfiguration.

John - KC8ZKI

K4SPB RMS - New HF Antenna

The K4SPB Hybrid Winlink station has a new off center fed dipole for HF operations. If you've made connections in the past and had trouble, hopefully things work a lot better new. I was using a back up attic antenna during the winter after my EFHW snapped in half. After a winter field day recommendation, I took advantage of the spring weather and got the antenna up this weekend (3/21/25). Any feedback is appreciated.

DB0HYC is finally available in Pactor 4 as well.

DB0HYC is finally available in Pactor 4 as well. You are welcome to use VARA 500, VARA 2300, Pactor 2,3,4


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