Found radio was powered down. Noticed some display issues on startup, but seemed to go away when dialing the frequency back into the rig.
So both VHF @ 144.970 and UHF W7YAM 441.050 on Eola Hill East of Amity at around 1100' are operational. Both are dual mode and support digipeating as W7YAM-6. Both has RMS Relay and will Hold For Internet on loss of internet. Held Messages can be picked up by connecting via standard Winlink Session connections.
Discovered W7OWO-10 VHF was not operational, and after two trips up there, it is now back in operation.
The PC locked up on the on the latest update. Forcing a power off resolved the issue. Unfortunately the when working on the pc the USB cable fell out when placing it back in the narrow slot it resides in and I wasn't aware of it. Testing it back at my QTH, when trouble shooting why it wasn't working again, I could remote into the PC, but no sound card was recognized by it.
Locate near the peak of Eola Hills near 1000 feet elevation.
W7YAM-10 VHF @ 144.970 MHz
RMS PACKET supporting both 1200 baud PACKET and VARA FM Narrow
Addressed as W7YAM-6 will function as a Digipeater
During Internet Outage it behaves a RMS Relay Post Office. Where messages uploaded can be picked up by the recipient if they connect to this same Post Office. No special Message Type or Message Mode. Just a standard VARA FM Winlink or standard PACKET Winlink session sent as a standard WInlink Message.