W7OWO's blog

W7YAM-10 UHF is Back on the Air

Found radio was powered down. Noticed some display issues on startup, but seemed to go away when dialing the frequency back into the rig.

So both VHF @ 144.970 and UHF W7YAM 441.050 on Eola Hill East of Amity at around 1100' are operational. Both are dual mode and support digipeating as W7YAM-6. Both has RMS Relay and will Hold For Internet on loss of internet. Held Messages can be picked up by connecting via standard Winlink Session connections.

W7YAM-10 VHF is Operational Once Again

Discovered W7OWO-10 VHF was not operational, and after two trips up there, it is now back in operation.

The PC locked up on the on the latest update. Forcing a power off resolved the issue. Unfortunately the when working on the pc the USB cable fell out when placing it back in the narrow slot it resides in and I wasn't aware of it. Testing it back at my QTH, when trouble shooting why it wasn't working again, I could remote into the PC, but no sound card was recognized by it.

Both the W7YAM-10 UHF and VHF Are Now Fully Operational

Locate near the peak of Eola Hills near 1000 feet elevation.
W7YAM-10 VHF @ 144.970 MHz
RMS PACKET supporting both 1200 baud PACKET and VARA FM Narrow
Addressed as W7YAM-6 will function as a Digipeater
During Internet Outage it behaves a RMS Relay Post Office. Where messages uploaded can be picked up by the recipient if they connect to this same Post Office. No special Message Type or Message Mode. Just a standard VARA FM Winlink or standard PACKET Winlink session sent as a standard WInlink Message.


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