Sysop Blogs

WB4UBK & WB4UBK-12 Gateways down temp

Due to mast replacement and other improvements, my HF and VHF Gateways will be down October 28 and 29., 2024.
Mast replacement will result in VHF antenna moving from 16 feet to 34 feet AGL and an increase in HF antenna height.

Ashland Ohio Gateway

After some time with my VARA FM gateway up and running with absolutely no traffiic for many days, I took it down due to some weather and have not returned it to service as yet. I just received a new HF radio for Christmas, and may dedicate my old one to the gateway and try a hybrid one in the near future. Anyone in the area interested in testing/using is requested to email me and perhaps be available for testing.

Thank you
Bill, NB8M

K4NWX ends Emergency Operations

The K4NWX Gateway is back to normal operations. While recovery is ongoing in Western NC, the volume of winlink
traffic has diminished to pre-storm levels. Thanks to everyone for keeping the system clear for vital emergency


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