Sysop Blogs

AG6QO Crash - Down for diagnostics

The AG6QO Gateway had some sort of failure today and is down for diagnostics.
Will get it back up as soon as possible.

Setting up a Linux RMS on a Beaglebone Black KF7ITF

I have been trying to get my Linux RMS up and running on a Beaglebone Black (BBB) with a TNC-Black for the better part of four months. Currently I can (from the BBB) run check in and connect to one of the CMS. My current issue is I can not seem to connect thru an RF link to my BBB to send a message. I am working with the programmers to help figure out the issue. Brian has told me to look at my TNC board and make sure it all is together right. Here is the "rub" I am having the same issue on both of my BBB setups.



Please to inform that 3B8DU WINMOR RMS now operating on following:

1) 7052.5 Khz
2) 10044.5 Khz
3) 14088.0 Khz
4) 21088.0 Khz

The 10M frequency as be removed.

Merry X-Mas and 73's


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