Sysop Blogs

AG6QO Gateway is Back Up

I isolated the crash to a corrupt linmail.cfg file.

I've temporarily downgraded to until we figure out the source of the corruption.

The gateway is again available for use.
Apologies for the disruption.

VA7TSA-10 ONLINE--please test

The Salvation Army emergency team radio network (SATERN) is working on setting up a simplex winlink gateway. This Station is situated in Abbotsford, BC. The site has a back generator at the EOC for the Salvation Army in BC. The site has Kenwood TMV 71 with a TNC-X. The computer is a XP desktop box running BPQ32 software. The station in time will gradually had HF winmor to the mix. (or Pactor if funding comes)

Don Sysop

Looking for gateway testers to check my station. W5WSR

I have had two persons check back with me letting me know my station is working, Both on 20 meters using Pactor. If I could get a few more to let me know everything is okay I would appreciate it. I seem to be getting a lot less activity on my station than before the lighting strike and I just want to make sure there are no problems. I would hate to have the station running just to find out later that everyone that has tried to connect with me can't.

My station info is this:
Call W5WSR in Lake Jackson, Texas about 50 miles south of Houston.


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