Sysop Blogs

K6ETA Completed Raspberry Pi HamGate

All K6ETA packet operations have been successfully migrated to a new Raspberry Pi server running at 5V/1A. There are now two RMS Gateway frequencies on VHF - 144.910 and 145.630. Additionally there is a full-service BBS (FBB 7.05g) and an FPAC Node. This is not a BPQ station - it is a native Linux build. Thanks to Charley K4GBB for his support.

Computer Malfunction VA7TSA

Computer has locked up and access via Teamview is not working. We hope to be back on the air Jan 20. 2015

Don Sysop

Updated Info on XE1CRG and XE2EOS Hybrid gateways, (xe2/n6kzb)

XE1CRG was finally moved to its resting spot in same area to a government radio site.
More secure and with battery back up. However antenna is not working at this location on 40 and 80 meters due to high SWR.
Local amateur support group will address when they can. Till then, 40 and 80 are off.



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