Sysop Blogs

VA7TSA UPDATE: Down until further notice

Down till the end of August

HS0ZIB - New Winlink HF station on Phuket Island, Thailand

As of 24th June 2015, a new Winlink 2000 RMS Trimode station is operating from Phuket Island.

This new station will provide coverage in the Bay of Bengal, northern Indian Ocean and Gulf of Thailand/south China Sea

The dial frequency is 21,116 KHz, using Pactor II/III

As soon as a new CAT cable arrives from the USA, (in about 2 weeks from now), operation of this station will be extended to the 40, 20, 17 and 12 meter bands. I will announce these additional frequencies on my blog when they go live.

VE7RBH frequency changes

Due to some very high RX noise levels on our original 40m and 20m frequencies, we are shifting to (dial) 7.063.00 and 14.080.00 . Hopefully this will improve performance.

Doug, ve7ept


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