K6ETA's blog

Winlink Express and VARA on Linux / Mac - Updated Instructions

Some changes in the latest versions of VARA had broken my earlier recipes on getting Winlink Express and VARA to work under Intel-compatible processors for Linux and Mac.

So I have re-written and tested the instructions and can reliably get Winlink Express and the latest VARA and ARDOP working on i386 CPUs using Linux and Mac OS X.

Linux Instructions:

VARA and ARDOP RMSes Operating at 3.584 (80M)

Lately I've noticed increasing VARA and ARDOP traffic centered 3.584 MHz. These RMS stations are beginning to hog up portions of the band where FLDigi and RTTY nets and QSOs are long established.

Can the WL2K Team please publish a clear band plan that helps to prevent these issues? I can't seem to find one anywhere and new sysops need such a resource to avoid crowding in on established nets... they obviously need some official guidance!

Thanks ahead,
K6ETA (operating my RMS at 3.592 where most WL2K happens on 80M)

K6ETA VHF / HF (ARDOP) on the air in Mt Shasta, CA

The 24/7/365 emergency power RMS Gateway and BPQ forwarding station is up and running once again. Because this station is run on Raspberry Pi, VARA is not available, sorry. If VARA is ever compiled to run on ARM processors, it will be added in the future.


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