Sysop Blogs

W6SCF-10 Down Since 09/24/16

Looks like heat has taken W6SCF-10 off line since Saturday afternoon. We will be restarting the computer periodically so it may be available sporadically. Cooler temperatures later this week will hopefully return us to regular operation. W6SCF-7 (KBLKM) continues to operate so you may digipeat into KE6AFE-10 or KC6SSM-10 during this time.

OE3XNR Speed and Distance Record in Austria

OE3CHC managed to connect to OE3XNR-10 from a distance of 141km. Also OE3FRU managed to get 7200 Bytes/min throughput using 1k2 Packet.

Good work, keep it up!

KI4WPI Gateway will be offline 09/24 thru 10/08/2016

To all concerned.

I will be away from the gateway and unable to monitor control operations during this time. My apologies to anyone affected by this.



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