Sysop Blogs

Winlink demos and Amateur radio operating day in San Diego area

Members of the Baja radio club, XE2BNC, were invited to participate in a twice yearly event. Groups demo for the public and prospective hams in the parking lot of Frys' Electronics. There were a lot of attendees later in the day. Winlink for local ARES/RACES was a big draw.

See Event Photos

VK3OA ON AIR after Storm Damage New Antenna Installed

Due to Storm Damage and poor weather New Antenna is now installed and on Air


Right in the middle of a Oregon-wide SET yesterday, a tree fell in the woods. I don't know if Helen Keller was there or if she heard it or if the man that heart was still wrong, but I do know that it took down the 12000+volt feed to my QTH transformer cutting my power. I was at the County EOC and in the middle of a PACTOR connection to the KF7RSF Gateway and the connection dropped mid-transfer. Shucks!


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