Sysop Blogs

N4BTA Trimode for Hurricane Florence

Trimode N4BTA is beaming East from Atlanta, GA on 20 meters.
14110.5 Kc Center, 14.109 Mhz Dial running Winmor, Ardop and Pactor3.
Be Safe and 73,
Bret Arnold / N4BTA
North Fulton ARES AEC

Winlink - Citadel Rumble in San Diego CA

Report on Navy Medical Exercise "Citadel Rumble" September 5Th/6th San Diego California.

"Winlink was used both on packet and HF, and worked very well in message delivery"

W0LED-10 No News is Good News

Well, we're inexorably moving towards that four-letter word.

But, on the plus side, the gateway has been plugging along with no recent hiccups.

Which is good, since I'm 4 weeks + a few days since a total knee joint replacement (left) and I've only been able to monitor gateway behavior remotely.


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