Sysop Blogs


My station is rather simple. I'm running a TS 940 Kenwood scanning from 80 m to 15 m. I'm using BPQ32 as the software to connect the VHF Gateway and HF Gateway into the WL2K Report server. It's a work in progress as I'm not an IT. BPQ32 and WDT team have may the access into becoming a SYSOP with a learning curve simple. On my part getting the right Syntax in BPQ32 for Frequency to be reported properly in RMS LIST. I think I've gotten that out of the way.

XE2BNC Pactor modem replaced, back in service xe2/n6kzb

Had to use our spare SCS dragon.

All is back to normal


XE2BNC Pactor down, Winmor OK xe2/n6kzb

I think SCS dragon modem died for pactor. Will do my best to get to radio site Wed with back up SCS modem.



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