Sysop Blogs

ZS1RS Cape Towns Winlink Gateway

The ZS1RS Winlink RMS Hybrid Server, situated in Cape Town, South Africa, is one of the most southern RMS stations on the Winlink network. The station has excellent coverage of the South African coastline from Mauritius to St Helena and usable coverage from the top of Madagascar and along the eastern coast of South America
Both the Winmor 500/1600 and Pactor 1-4 modes are supported on all frequencies

KG6VVN My First Blog

Wow! I just found out about this. So I will try to get some info together.
I have lots of photos of our field days but not many of my new shack, so stay tuned.
I am still tiring to get it all together.
Here's what I am going to have.
1- 2M/440 voice
1-2m voice
1-2M -KAM+ 145.050 digi/gateway
2-6m/2m/440/ vx5,s
Kenwood TS-50 sound blaster pactor
Marine ? got but I live in a hole and not sure if I can get this one to receive.

Stay tuned for more.

KG7AV New Gateway Central OR

KG7AV Bend, Oregon CN94ic
KG7AV-10 2m RMS Packet Gateway 145.03 Mhz
KG7AV RMS HF Gateway center freqs:
Winmor 500 - 7.0820, 14.0935 Mhz

BPQ32 system routing via local RMS Relay host. In the event of loss of internet connectivity to CMS, messages will route into a BPQ32 queue for forwarding via HF Winmor to one of several West Coast RMS gatetways.


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