Sysop Blogs

W5DMH is Back Online! 12/17/15 9:12:51 PM UTC

W5DMH the Great Lakes Station is currently down after some voltage spikes following a power failure destroyed some equipment. I should have it all back up and running this afternoon (12/17/15)

Building new gateway for near Cancun Mexico. (Playa del Carmen) XE3N soon (xe2/n6kzb)

Continuing FMRE support for Winlink, system # 5 is being built. XE3N
Money comes from Mexico's FMRE, (like ARRL).

All will be battery powered and Hybrid operation.

We thank XE3N and the amateurs of Playa del Carmen outside of Cancun Mexico for finding a reliable location.
And to XE1VP for the vision to continue the network.

KK4ZUU-10 WL2K/PBBS (145.730 FM, FM18GT)

I have my VHF node back up in operation. I upgraded from a Yaesu FT-60R (5W) to a Yaesu FT-2900R (set at 25W) connected to a Kantronics KPC-9612+ (v8.1) on port1 at 1200 baud.

I have had PBBS connections to another PBBS (FBBS9:N4YXW via FARA7:W4VA-5) on my Kantronics KPC-9612+ about 23 miles away, now I am trying to get both PBBS and WL2K functional on this VHF node. I am told it will work, if you have a similar setup with a KPC-9612+ -please- contact me!

I need WL2K testers on my VHF node, the 40M HF node is doing fine.

David kk4zuu


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