Sysop Blogs

KM4MLS-10 Station Offline due to nearby lightning 5/28/2018

Greetings All,

The KM4MLS-10 VHF Packet RMS node located in Perry, GA (145.01Mhz) will be offline for the next few hours or so.

At approx 19:45z we began experiencing very strong rain and close lightning. I'll have the station back online
as soon as the weather is passed.

Keep an eye out here for updates. Thanks for your patience.

73 de KM4MLS

N4SER Gateway Sarasota, Florida Internet Down

N4SER and N4SER-10 are experiencing internet outages and we are presently down. We are still up as a store and forward RF link. All messages will be forwarded immediately via HF. As soon as we resolve the internet connection we will update.


VA7TSA is shut down to get the password removed. I had no password, and some how Windows wants one. Until I get this thing back on line


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