W7OWO's blog

W7YAM-10 Was down for maintenance, is now back up

W7YAM-10 was down due to OS updates blocking the start-up of RMS Packet. Back in operation now. VARA FM will be up upgraded to V4.04 on Saturday Dec 19th if testing on W7OWO-10 goes well.

W7OWO-10 Vara FM Updated to VARA V4.0.4

12/17/2020 W7OWO-10 Vara FM Updated to VARA V4.0.4

W7YAM-10 Update to Vara FM V4.0.1

On the morning of 12/05/2020 W7YAM-10 was updated to Vara FM Version 4.0.1.

Tuning of the optimal volumes was not performed as with the local stagnation air advisory in place the strong inversion causing this is greatly attenuating my signals for testing, so values were left at settings used for V3.1.1.


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