Sysop Blogs

RMS Gateway in Riverside California

My Name is Eduardo
Located at Riverside County , in Perris California.

Here is my HF Station set-up
KN6B-15 - - Winmor 1600 - - Dial Frequency >> 7. 096.500 MHZ . at 40 meter Upper Side Band ( U S B ).

My Equipments are Yaesu FT840 - 100 watts Transceiver and a Signalink Interface . Antenna Tuner MFJ Versa Tuner 3 ( Model 962-D )
The Antenna is Home brew Single Element Rotatable Dipole Elevated at 35 feet above the Ground.

AC4IY-10 available on 145.730 FM17GF

After finally getting registered with WINLINK, my OS decided to deny me access to my network, so after a quick reload of Xubuntu 14.04 LTS 32 I am back on the air.

The system is part of a LinBPQ (BPQ32 written for Linux geeks) node/BBS/chat/RMS system I have been testing. It has been so stable (with the exception of the network issue) that I decided to make it a permanent fixture in my shack.

Now I am considering a TriMode station as well. That will necessitate another HF rig (poor me) and another antenna but it should be doable.

KE7TJK-10, N7YRC-10, WA7EOC-10

Hello everyone!

My name is Mike Geerhart, KE7TJK. I am the sysop for KE7TJK-10, N7YRC-10, and WA7EOC-10, all located in Yakima, WA.

I'm hoping to have a HF gateway station on the air at the N7YRC-10 location (Yakima Red Cross building) within the next year, funds permitting.

More later!



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