Sysop Blogs

HB9AK-1: new 10m RMS (JN47LI, 1130m asl)

The new 10m RMS HB9AK-1 is now operational on Hoernli mountain (JN47LI, 1130m asl). It provides PACTOR1-4 and WINMOR operation. It is expected to cover large parts of Switzerland as well as neighbouring regions of France, Germany and Austria.
Equipment is: ICOM IC-706, PACTOR MODEM DR-7400, vertical dipole.
The installation has a backup power supply with 4 12V batteries of 140 Ah each.
Martin, HB9AUR
Sysop HB9AK

HB9AK-1: new 2m Packet RMS on mountain top

Last Wednesday, Nov 23, a new RMS for 2m Packet access has been installed on top of Hoernli mountain (1130 m asl) east of Zurich. This location provides coverage for the main populated areas in Switzerland and for the neighbouring areas of Germany, Austria and France.
QRG is 144.925 MHz in 1200 Bd, call is HB9AK-1.
Please give it a try!

Martin, HB9AUR
Sysop HB9AK

LA3F back again.

Hope for more stability now.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Finn LA7UM


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