Sysop Blogs

VE7RBH Problem

Something has happened at VE7RBH and remote access not working. May be a few days before resolution. Apologies to our users!

IQ2LB RMS is active on multiple bands: 40mt, 80mt, 30mt

IQ2LB RMS is located in Limbiate(MB), Italy, Locator JN45NO.
It covers the Mediterranian area and part of the Central Europe. The software is BPQ because besides the Winlink, it offers BBS, CHAT and the HF/V/U Packet-Pactor Gateway.
In the same site we host a multiport Packet node with radio ports at 1200Bd and 9600bd for local users access.
We've recently added the support for Winmor and we are experimenting ARDOP.

Here below you can find the full list of scanned frequencies:

UTC 18:00 - 07:00

Rough month, but KF7RSF back in service

Rough month for KF7RSF Gateway. My main shack computer gave up the ghost, and I had to scrounge a replacement. Got up and running but noticed soon afterward that the WiFi connection was dropping out frequently. That led to the discovery that my wireless system was failing. My shack is in a building too far from my house to be covered by WiFi direct, and too much concrete to run buried LAN cable, si I use an extended bridged system to get signal out to the other building. That inside router was failing and had to be replaced.


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