Sysop Blogs


VA7DGP-10 is down for a few days while I work out the TNC issues. My faithful TNC-X has been acting up. It will TX but it will not receive. I working on getting a KAM XL but that is in the works at this time. I will post an update when back on line. VA7TSA-10 is running so it can be used.

Don va7dgp

W6SCF-10 operational

W6SCF-10 is back up as of early Thursday evening.

The computer threw up a dialog box after booting, expecting a response before remote administration launched. It required plugging in a local monitor and keyboard to hit "return" to continue. Honestly; I am disappointed.

W6SCF-10 is down

W6SCF-10 has been unavailable since late afternoon April 19. KBLKM, W6SCF-7, continues to digipeat so KC6SSM-10, K2RDX-10 and KE6AFE-10 may be accessed from our covered area.

The computer was accessed remotely and had Windows updates pending. The update process was started manually but the computer did not return to normal operation. After waiting an hour the computer was remotely re-started and again failed to return to normal operation. A site visit is scheduled for later today.


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