Sysop Blogs

KX4Z Win10 PACTOR port problem

KX4Z -- last 2 weeks intermittent "port denied" on USB --> Pactor III modem.... suspect some problem with USB to serial converter, have ordered new one. Computer runs Windows 10, has generally worked flawlessly for months, now this problem. No problem at all with older VISTA computer that has USB to Pactor DRAGON modem in NCSHARES network.

W0LED-10 The State of Things 6/13/17

Hardware line-up remains the same although I've pulled out of my small collection of used (but currently unused) rigs a Kenwood TR-7730. This was my first mobile rig and when packet radio came to the Twin Cities it morphed into my steady 24 x 7 packet transceiver. I've used this radio with a TAPR Beta Board, a TNC1, a TNC2, a couple of MFJ1270Cs. It was my T-238/Dallas Semi 1-wire Wx Station radio for more than five years until the wind direction 'dart' fell off in the middle of a Minnesota winter.

HB9AK now with 580 Ah battery backup

HB9AK has got power backup with 4 12V lead-acid batteries of 145 Ah each. The new energy laws of Switzerland will lead to a very unreliable and intermittent electric power supply. We hope that this battery backup will help to counter power downs when sun is not shining and wind is not blowing...


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