Short notice from CALOES pushing Winlink


Copy of email they sent to respective agencies and others that check in to their monthly amateur radio Winlink net.
Credit to Greg, KG6SJT the Winlink team primary form writer for the recent template efforts for Red Cross.


Source: W6SIG

Subject: //WL2K California Emergency Services Winlink Net Monthly Report

During the recent "Camp" fire in Butte County amateurs radio operators at the some of the Red Cross shelters used Winlink to provide status reports. As you know Winlink is an excellent method of sending logistical data and we were able to demonstrate it's capabilities to our management. Be sure your agency knows what Winlink can do. The shelter report template is one of many contained in Winlink Express. Check them out and let us know if there are templates you think should be added....................................

Winlink Linkomatic