Sysop Blogs

W0LED-10 Temporarily Offline

W0LED-10 has experienced a computer failure. Estimated downtime approximately 48 hours. 73!

WB9AYD Sarasota Becomes N4SER May 3rd

Thank you to all the loyal users of my HF gateway over the past several years. The transition over to the Sarasota Emergency Radio Club, N4SER, takes place Thursday 5/3/2018. Please be sure to update your propagation software. Same frequencies will be used with the addition of an 80 meter slot, VARA and ARDOP. I will still manage the gateway under the club's call and will assist our team in the SHARES program as well as our two VHF Winlink gateways.


RMS OE3XNR-10 ON AIR again

RMS Packet OE3XNR-10 is fully operational ON AIR again.
Thanks for your patience.

73 de SysOP Rainer, OE3GWU


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