Sysop Blogs

KF7RSF is REALLY going down this time!

Got it back up and eeked out a couple months of runtime thanks to very friendly new owners of the property.

Packing up the station and moving to a new location with severe challenges for antennas, so no idea if KF7RSF will return as a Gateway. All those who have listed this Gateway as a MPS need to delete and re-register a new choice for the future.

It has been fun, and hope to be back.

Thomas Noel

2m WINLINK gateway HB9AK-1 adds VARA FM

The 2m 'multispeed' gateway HB9AK-1, that is offering packet radio access to the WINLINK network with different modulations and speeds (AFSK 1200 Bd, BPSK 1200 Bd, BPSK 2400 Bd, QPSK 2400 bps, QPSK 3600 bps) has now added VARA FM (both 1200 and 9600) as additional modes of operation. The gateway listens in all modes for connect requests and answers in the respective mode. VARA FM (9600) reaches a throughput of up to 80 kBytes/min, a more than ten fold increase compared to conventional packet AFSK1200.

HF Gateway XE1VP in Mexico City active now on 40 and 80 meters

For over a year an elusive noise floor of 15 to 20 prevented any real use on 80 and 40 meters.
A bad power supply was located and replaced.
Noise on 80 and 40 now usable for RX.

XE1VP is in the city so 80 meters still a bit high, but will see how it goes.

Color me happy!


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