Sysop Blogs

K6JGL Winmor Service off the air for 24 hours

For some reason my station hangs up in a tramsmit mode with no modulation. Usually, I see it occur after the completion of a connect and during the restart of the scanning process. It appears to always occur during the tuning process on Winmor. I am trying verify that it only occurs with Winmor.

K9ANF will stand down

I have been dragging my feet, but I have made the decision that as of October 1st I will take my HF gateway off the air. Thank you to all who have used my system, you have made it worth the effort. I will continue to maintain my VHF gateway, K9ANF-10, on 145.610. 73
Randall, K9ANF

KG7AV QTH Relocation

5 mile move across town CN94IB. Functionality remains the same:
Call / Mode / Dial Freq
KG7AV / Winmor 500 / 3.5860 Mhz
KG7AV / Winmor 500 / 7.0805 Mhz
KG7AV / Winmor 500 / 14.0920 Mhz
KG7AV-2 / Node-Digi / 145.03 Mhz
KG7AV-3 / Packet Chat / 145.03 Mhz
KG7AV-4 / APRS iGate / 144.39 Mhz
KG7AV-10 / RMS Packet / 145.03 Mhz


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