Sysop Blogs

KG5KS ONLINE 06302020

After getting a new radio, computer set back up KG5KS is back online. Will be changing to maybe a 30m freq or so.

Seattle - W7ACS adds more VARA FM Winlink Gateways

W7ACS, the Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service, has deployed 5 Winlink RMS Gateways supporting VARA FM WIDE.

VARA FM WIDE provides up to a 20X improvement in speed over 1200bps Packet. VARA FM is rate-adaptive, meaning that it adjusts to the strength of the signal, maximizing message passing speed even with weaker signals. The top end 25,200bps VARA FM WIDE modem rate is regularly achieved without heroic efforts or unusual conditions. The auto-tune capability of VARA FM makes audio level settings very easy, even without test instruments.


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