The Evolve III running the gateway literally smoked about 2am Tuesday Morning August 12th. It will be offline for today, I will push to another computer as i have time Expect it back up bu 1600hrs Tues August 12th Lloyd KO4L
Primary Repeater 442.825+ (103.5 PL) Secondary Repeater 440.300+ (103.5 PL) 1.25m Repeater 224.020- (103.5 PL) Simplex 145.770 (103.5PL) Winlink RMS Packet Node: W7AUX-10 on 145.050 MHz Winlink RMS VARA Node: W7AUX-11 on 145.650 MHz Shoreline EOC Winlink Address: W7AUX Shoreline Fire/EM Comm Van Winlink Address: W7AUX-9 website email [email protected]
I am not sure how it happened but the power cord detached from the CPU. I plugged it in and everything came back on line.
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