KG6MDW's blog

KG6MDW - 40M online, VHF Offline

HF gateways have returned to normal operation.

VHF will be offline as I need to take the TNC for emergency repairs to the W6CX-3 Digipeater on Mount Diablo.

KG6MDW - 40M Offline, 10m reduced performance

After finding some RFI issues while 40m was transmitting, I've added some ferrite to the coax. This in turn changed the antenna tune dramatically, so is offline until I'm able to get it tuned.

10M tune was also affected, so it has reduced performance until it's tuned also.

-Trevor KG6MDW

KG6MDW - Gateways back online, HF online

VHF and HF online with temporary frequencies (until antenna is tuned) then we'll be on 40,20,15 and 10.


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