Keyboard mode

Passwords with Keyboard Mode and APRSLink

Both keyboard mode and the APRS gateway now allow access with your Winlink password to the CMS using a simple challenge/response protocol. Your password is never sent in the clear over the air.

If secure login is enabled for your account (or, in the future, required). Send any command to initiate login. The CMS will respond with a challenge consisting of three digits who's values represent positions of characters within your password..

This is a six character response to the login challenge. Respond with three password characters corresponding to the positions in the challenge plus three additional characters of your choosing (in any order). Example: Password is ABC123. Login challenge is: 425. You send '1B2AZ5'. ABZ21TY would also be valid since it contains the characters 1, B, and 2.

No password is needed if the secure login account setting is off (check 'My account>Edit' at the Winlink web site). This option will go away once secure login (password validation) becomes mandatory next year.

Keyboard access will continue to accept the PW syntax announced earlier, but that will be disabled in a few weeks. Use the above method instead.

-Lee, K0QED
Winlink Development Team

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