W7YAM-10 VHF is Operational Once Again

Discovered W7OWO-10 VHF was not operational, and after two trips up there, it is now back in operation.

The PC locked up on the on the latest update. Forcing a power off resolved the issue. Unfortunately the when working on the pc the USB cable fell out when placing it back in the narrow slot it resides in and I wasn't aware of it. Testing it back at my QTH, when trouble shooting why it wasn't working again, I could remote into the PC, but no sound card was recognized by it.

On the second trip, looking into the back of the cabinet I could see there was no light on the soundcard. Looking into the back of the cabinet I could see the USB from the soundcard was not attached anymore. Somehow came loose inserting it into the narrow slot the computer rests in. Reattached it and as I was sliding it back into its slot I watched the soundcard power light blink off. Put in on and carefully put it back.. Moving some ethernet cables I saw i pop off. Taped the Cable to the PC and it now works and seems to be staying on. Appears the designate USB port for the soundcard on the PC needs the metal springs bent a small bit to apply more pressure to hold the USB A cable in place. Next trip...

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