WA7TPB's blog

WA7TPB-10 VHF RMS Temporarily Off the Air

WA7TPB-10 VARA-FM RMS in Port Townsend WA will be off the air for several days, in order to move the hardware to a different location within my house. Sorry for the incovenience.


WA7TPB-10 on the Air

WA7TPB-10 RMS is back on the air, as home-remodeling activities permit. Coverage from the Uptown area of Port Townsend appears to be good: today, the ping response from KJ7PWM-10 in Port Angeles was about 18 dB S/N.

WA7TPB-10 VHF RMS Off the Air for a Month

Remodeling work continues at my station for the next month, and as a consequence WA7TPB-10 will be off the air. Sorry for the inconvenience.



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