KH6ML's blog

Makani ‘Ino Hurricane Drill July 16, 2022 using WINLINK - HAWAII

KHON2 had a June 22 video report on our upcoming Hurricane drill.
KITV4 did a more general story on Amateur Radio on June 29, that included coverage of the Hurricane drill.

Radio Email for Crucial Hospital Bed Report Winlink Vara HF Hawaii KH6ML

Video link

Used Winlink Express to create and send a Hospital Data Reporting Form. This form is to track
and share crucial hospital capabilities with other facilities in and around an affected disaster

5055 miles Winlink Vara HF W1EO w/ KH6ML Hawaii to Massachusetts Ham Radio Email

*** Winlink Vara Connection to W1EO @ 2022/01/22 18:45:38 USB Dial: 21093.000
*** Station Bearing: 050, Range: 5055 miles
RMS Trimode
KH6ML has 30 daily minutes remaining with W1EO (FN42IM)
{SFI = 097 On 2022-01-22 16:00 UTC}


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