KH6ML's blog

Upcoming training opportunity- Comm Academy April 10-11, 2021

An emergency communications & amateur radio conference to be held online April 10-11, 2021.

Comm Academy 2021 is a free, virtual training conference for anyone interested in learning more about emergency communications technologies and practices. Taking place April 10th and 11th, 2021, Comm Academy will be organized around the theme “Disasters Here, There and Everywhere – Are We Ready?”

Programing the Alinco DR-135 Mk III - Call button and Data Packet Mode then saving it. KH6ML

Gateway upgrade for packet and Vara FM.

Programming the new radio to my winlink gateway frequency and putting it in data mode then saving it to the CALL button in memory.

Programing the Alinco DR-135 Mk III - Call button and Data Packet Mode then saving it. KH6ML

No internet - 99 miles Ham radio email. Winlink Vara FM

Video of sending emails using Ham Radio with a sound card and a laptop. No internet needed.
VARA-FM mode in Winlink. 441.00 UHF 35 watts with a mag mount antenna on a truck. Kahala Lookout right outside of Diamond Head Tunnel to Pukalani Maui.
Icom IC-7100 Radio HF/UHF/UHF
2015 MacBook Pro boot camp windows 10.


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