KF7RSF's blog

KF7RSF back in service , with a pleasant surprise!

Tower cranked down and lowered, antenna re-alignment completed. Tower returned (manually) to upright, then elevated to full height.

During the 48 hours of this project, I noted that my across the street neighbors had packed and moved out of state. They will be missed!

Imagine my surprise to return the gateway to operation and find that a broad S9+40 noise had disappeared. I suspect one of the items packed was a large plasma TV

Bless You neighbors!

KF7RSF Gateway down for maintenance

Finally got a patch of good weather to coincide with good health.

One of my yagis has been 30 degrees off proper orientation for months!

Tired of the mental gymnastics to aim it where desired.

Couple days should do it, even for a decrepit old man.


KF7RSF Bandon OR back in service FREQUENCY CHANGE ON 80M

Tower back to normal height and antennas in service.
Made a change to scanned frequency for 80M channel - moved to high end of ACDS window to avoid a severe local noise issue still under diagnosis.
Not in my house! HA HA I'll get you, sucker!!



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