Sysop Blogs

WINMOR 1600 Station in Northern California


Here is my HF station:

Kenwood TS-590S, Astron RS-35A, Gateway PC, Uverse Internet, MFJ-998RT remote tuner, end loaded inverted V antenna at 30 feet, 100 feet of heliax hardline.

My station is setup for all users, but the primary focus is Region 9 MARS.


Having issues with VHF Radio. 145.070 down until I can find problem. 443.425 is running. AUG 8, 2014


Thanks to KC4TVO, N5TW, and VE1YZ

MPS traffic via the amateur bands is moving again towards Europe from our region.
While not 24 hours yet, it at least moves within 12 hours, band dependent, as opposed to just stalling.

Our three gateways have a path to you both, for passing onto auto-forwarding station VE1YZ.
VE1YZ is a key link right now for Trans Atlantic MPS to Europe.

In a week of testing over 15 MPS messages and many /pings/ have made it to Europe and back.


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