Sysop Blogs

W7YAM-11 Now Supports VARA FM Wide

The W7YAM-11 RMS Packet Gateway @ 144.920 MHz, located within the Yamhill Count EM EOC, was upgraded on Feb 6th, 2024. Removed the old hardware TNC and replaced it with a DRA-50M. Now supports VARA FM Wide as well as Packet via UZ7HO SoundModem. Like all the other W7YAM-XX gateways it will also perform as a Digipeater on both Packet and VARA FM using the Callsign-SSID of W7YAM-6 on the Gateways frequency. Not yet configured with RMS Relay. to behave as a Post Office if Internet becomes unavailable.

W3SWL-10 seems to be working again

The VHF RMS node W3SWL-10 on 145.090 MHz appears to be operating in VARA FM and Packet modes again. Testing shows that people can reach the node in both modes. Hopefully things will remain working.

I took the opportunity to document the settings and learned about restoring the configuration from an INI file. Hopefully both of these will make it quicker to restore the node should this occur again in the future!

Brett W3SWL

WI9OZ-10 Down

The WI9OZ-10 gateway in Port Washington WI is currently off the air.


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