Sysop Blogs

KC7COL active as new gateway call for Columbia County, Oregon ARES

The call sign switch is finished. KC7COL is up and running on the Columbia County Oregon ARES Winlink gateway located at the EOC. The old call KK7EOC will be deprecated. The ARES gateway will otherwise function as before 24/7/365 with the PUBLIC service code unless an emergency dictates otherwise. Look for a VHF packet call of KC7COL-10 or Pactor / Winmor call of KC7COL in your client software.

Teaching Emcomm Awareness to Rescue Academy in Baja CA MX

Myself (N6KZB/XE2) and XE2SI gave a demo of how HF and Winlink can assist in remote areas for communications.
Course leaders are XE2DDA and XE2DDB, rescue instructors, ambulance company owners, and the son XE2DDB is a doctor.

KK7EOC gateway changing call sign to KC7COL

The Columbia County ARES/RACES call sign has been changed. KK7EOC is now KC7COL. The change comes from a desire to have our county abbreviation "COL" as part of the call for easier identification within a list of ARES Oregon county call signs. Our gateway call sign will be KC7COL-10 for VHF packet and KC7COL for Pactor / Winmor effective August 01, 2016. The gateway will otherwise operate as before. Thanks for your patience. [email protected]


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