Sysop Blogs

Computer maintenance at K9ANF

K9ANF will be down for computer maintenance.


My faithful ID 800 radio has some issues as well it could be the TNC-X. I have taken the station offline until I can figure out, also my health has not been up to snuff and have not been taking to much time monitoring the BPQ32 system


Don va7dgp

KE4LWT-10 intermitent during phased upgrades Jan 31-Feb 5, 2017

The KE4LWT-10 VHF gateway will be intermittent during phased upgrades.
Phase one replaces existing 2m only J-pole with a collinear VHF/UHF antenna. This will also be 10' (3m) higher up. The gain of 6db (2m) and 8db (70cm) should prove useful.

Phase two upgrades the computer with a new-to-me newer model, capable or running WinLink (on 2m) and EchoLink (on 70cm) simultaneously. This will provide improved operations and a second mode for local emergency use.


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