Sysop Blogs

WI9OZ-10 Down

The WI9OZ-10 gateway in Port Washington WI is currently off the air.

KD6OAT: gateway back on the air

Station operational as of 2200Z 2/5/2024.
Wire dipole antenna at 40-feet has had to be modified temporarily due to weather conditions and downed tree branches.
Station is operational with somewhat diminished transmission capabilities. More modifications / updates to follow in the days ahead.

W3SWL-10 is up and down

Currently the 145.090 W3SWL-10 node is experiencing some issues. I am trying to get it running again.

As of 2/4/24 it is working in the VARA-FM mode only (e.g. no packet radio connections). Hopefully that will be restored by tomorrow.

Brett W3SWL - Sysop


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