Sysop Blogs

RMS Packet OE3XNC-10 due to faulty TNC - OFF AIR -

RMS Packet OE3XNC-10 due to faulty TNC - OFF AIR -

73 Rainer, OE3GWU, Sysop


Rainer asked me to publish this

73 de Gert, OE3ZK

WB9AYD Moving to N4SER May 3rd, 2018

Effective May 2nd, 2018, WB9AYD, Sarasota, Florida, (EL87rh) will be moving its HF RMS at the Sarasota Power and Sail Squadron two miles east to the N4SER location at the American Red Cross building (EL87sh) under the management of the Sarasota Emergency Radio Club (SERC). Same equipment, better antenna system. This RMS will assume the call N4SER, same frequencies with the addition of 80 meters. We will also be adding VARA and ARDOP to the mix at that time.

XE1CRG Gateway back on line, full service again.

Update your channel lists as needed.
Sound card modes active again.

Problem was AH-4 coupler and PTT tune.
Now running MFJ auto-tuner and Ed fed wire from 4:1 UnUn.
Working good again.

Pactor 3/4 Vara Winmor and Ardop.

Adios and sorry for the delay.


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