Eos Magazine Covers ARES/Winlink/USGS Collaboration

An interesting article by David J. Wald (USGS), Vincent Quitoriano (USGS), and Oliver Dully (K6OLI) published in Eos Magazine details the development and use of amateur radio to report earthquake data to the USGS. Check it out at this link to the online publication:

-- The Winlink Team

2018 California Wildfires Update

Greg Kruckwitt, KG6SJT, the Sacramento Valley Section Emergency Coordinator, is interviewed by Amanda Alden on the Ham Nation video podcast. This link takes you to the segment of the show's interview with Greg:

Oregon 2015 QuakeEX SETs: A Recap

Next spring, FEMA Region X, county emergency management agencies statewide, many others and Oregon ARES/RACES will participate in the FEMA Cascadia Rising exercise. This is a functional exercise that will play out what might happen should/when a major earthquake strike the Pacific Northwest. The drill scenario anticipates widespread loss of normal communication modes such as cell phones, Internet and public safety radio as well as major power outages.

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