3B8DU Intermittent

Sent a previous post which seems to have vanished.

Sending again a new version:

Dear All,

Happy new year 2020 to all,

3B8DU RMS have been 24/7 active for a few years, but unfortunately due to moving to a new QTH in LG89ux (previous was LG89sq) in the North of 3B8, and due to many software upgrades (Microsoft...) unattended but also due that on old QTH I have no UPS, thus reboot at each power cut which was due to bad weather this side (cyclones).

I therefore request any user for the inconvenience caused to accept my apologies.

The new QTH setup will be ready soon and 24/7 service available.


Jean Marc (3B8DU)

Winlink Linkomatic