My station is rather simple. I'm running a TS 940 Kenwood scanning from 80 m to 15 m. I'm using BPQ32 as the software to connect the VHF Gateway and HF Gateway into the WL2K Report server. It's a work in progress as I'm not an IT. BPQ32 and WDT team have may the access into becoming a SYSOP with a learning curve simple. On my part getting the right Syntax in BPQ32 for Frequency to be reported properly in RMS LIST. I think I've gotten that out of the way.

My antenna is 163 ft Delta loop on the roof of the Senior Connaught Heights Villa. At the APEX of the Dipole. I'm running a Jetstream GP 3 with Dupliexer VHF/UHF. The VHF radio is an worn out Alinco DR 605. Another radio to replace the other VHF Alinco Dr 605 that died is a Midland 70-1340. It's redundant equipment from VECTOR.. It's sitting at Burnaby Radio Communication where I play radio during the day. I'm in the process of getting the patch cord made between answering the phone and dealing with customers.

One of these days, I hope to get winmor running. That's a little more of getting the syntax and path right to Winmor TNC.


Don va7dgp

Winlink Linkomatic