W7PLC's blog


I now have 2 stations; W7PLC-10, Alinco DR-135T MkIII with a DRA-50. This station is part of the W7PLC Gateway and runs VARA FM Wide on 144.950MHz, station is powered by solar panel charged batteries and will remain on the air during a local power outage. The antenna is a dual band vertical at 30 ft. The HF portion of the Gateway is a Kenwood TS-2000 with a Signalink (black xfmr), also powered by the solar charged batteries. Antenna is a 65ft end fed wire at 25 ft.


New radio, Alinco DR-135 MKIII with a DRA-50 now running VARA FM Wide

I'm baaaack!!!

W7PLC is back on the air VHF and HF hybrid RMS Gateway. Back to full operation.


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