Sysop Blogs

K9EW (2014-09-07) - TNC-X

Got the TNC-X tested and working, so added it to the setup to replace the KPC-3. Still on 24/7, minus a few short tests. 73, ed - k9ew.

XE1CRG, Mexico's Hybrid station #4 on the air (xe2/n6kzb)

XE1CRG, located in Irapuato, Guanajuato, MX Grid DL90HQ is now available.
This completes the 3 year project to install 4 WinLink gateways in Mexico. XE2BNC XE1VP XE2EOS XE1CRG

7070.0 10142.0 14091.0 18107.0 Center Up to Pactor 4 and WinMor 1600

KM3N/W7TSA 30 meter RMS Gateway back in operation

KM3N 30 meter gateway is back in operation. The prior antenna was unsatisfactory although a number of amateur/boaters would check in from Baja from time to time. I installed a new inverted V today for 30 meters. The 7 meter KM3N gateway, as always, remains in operation. For now I have deactivated the KM3N 20 meter gateway. There was zero activity on this RMS over the last couple of months. I'll probably have it back up on 80 meters soon.



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