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ADIF Analyzer

ADIF Analyzer is a companion program to RMS Trimode that displays charts, maps, and tables showing information about connections to the RMS.

The charts and tables include breakdowns by band, mode (Pactor/Vara, etc.), hour of day, day of week, month of year, range (distance) of connections, and registered country of the connecting call signs. A map display shows points where connections originated. You can click a connection point to get information about the connection.

ADIF Analyzer reads ADIF (.adi) files written by RMS Trimode. These files contain information about each connection. To enable ADIF file generation, open Trimode’s Settings/Site Setup screen and check the box labeled “Enable ADIF Log.”

Installation of ADIF Analyzer is very easy: Just download the installation program and run it. By default, it is installed in the C:\RMS\ADIF Analyzer\ folder, but you can select a different folder if you wish. If RMS Trimode is installed in its default folder, ADIF Analyzer will pick up your RMS call sign and grid square from it. Otherwise, you must manually enter your RMS callsign and grid square. Once installed, it uses existing ADIF files for the displays. The displays are updated automatically as new connections occur.

ADIF Analyzer is written and supported by the Winlink Development Team and is an alternative to the popular RMS HF Analyzer program by Dave "DoC" Willard, W1EO.

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