Urgent Need For Medical Mission Radio Operators
A short video of what the Kruta River IHS Team experienced recently.
International Health Service has an urgent need for Winlink-experienced operators for it's medical mission to Honduras, February 12-26, 2016.
IHS has run for 30 years twice-yearly missions to Honduras to provide medical/dental/surgery/eyecare clinics to the Moskito Coast and mountain and island regions of Honduras. Their operations are a marvel of logistics and effectiveness, sending 10-15 clinic and surgery teams with support personnel, medications, equipment and supplies to remote locations with minimum infrastructure, all communicating via amateur radio. If you want to experience and learn emcomm techniques with real purpose, this is your thing. Minimal expense. Contact John Kirckof, KB0UUP, IHS Director of Communications at jmkkek at yahoo dot com or 320-634-4386. Info about IHS at www.ihsmn.org.