Late March, I added the modes ARDOP & Vara to the frequencies my Trimode station WW4MSK polls. This was done to support the testing of those modes and to learn more about the strengths of ARDOP/Vara during this challenging time of poor propagation. March showed a few connections, then in April-May even more stations trying the new modes. The performance is tough to measure at this point due to the really bad propagation on some days and connection success rates were about the same as Winmor.
The WW4MSK gateway uses an Icom 7300, SCS Dragon 7400 Pactor Modem and a BuckMaster OCF antenna. Power is set to 30 watts and the station receives between 300-600 connections a month. The SCS Dragon handle Pactor and the native sound card support in the Icom 7300 handles the Winmor connections.
Below is the 2017 activity logged for the WW4MSK gateway:
Number of successful connections: 3787
Unique Callsigns: 1133
Most distant station: 2855 miles
Total bytes transmitted: 4,477,630