As an experiment, the repeater owner and I attempted to send VARA FM over his 2 meter repeater. He dropped the pl tone and
Squelch tail. It worked perfectly. Both of us could both send and copy complete messages. Another tool on the belt.
Redid my gateway. Bought VARA upgrade. Installed an Alinco Dr135T mkiii and am using Repeater Builders RIM 9600 Alinco soundcard instead of using the Signalink. My user station now is another Alinco and the same soundcard. Throughout transmitting speeds are now in excess of 22,000 bpm. RF download speeds have been unvbeleivable, 109,000 up to 1.4 million bpm.
I think I like this set up. Much easier to setup than with a Signalink.
Just added VARA FM to my VHF Packet gateway. It was quite a struggle. Dropped the Easy Digi and went to a Signalink. I know it won't be the fastest, but now it's working. Quite a bit faster than packet. We'll see how it goes.