The Columbia County ARES/RACES call sign has been changed. KK7EOC is now KC7COL. The change comes from a desire to have our county abbreviation "COL" as part of the call for easier identification within a list of ARES Oregon county call signs. Our gateway call sign will be KC7COL-10 for VHF packet and KC7COL for Pactor / Winmor effective August 01, 2016. The gateway will otherwise operate as before. Thanks for your patience. [email protected]
The Columbia County Oregon ARES RMS Gateway at the EOC has been updated to include the Winmor mode. This complements existing Pactor and VHF packet channels to our internet gateway. Use has been substantial across all routes both local and cross country. Thanks to Columbia County Emergency Management, we expect to keep the PUBLIC service code for casual users unless circumstances or an emergency dictates otherwise. Current frequencies can be found in your client software.
The Columbia county Oregon ARES group has their VHF gateway back online. The gateway had to be taken down last year due to the physical move of the EOC in St. Helens. During that time, the call sign and equipment have also changed. The gateway should be up 24x7x365 for access using the PUBLIC service code. The gateway's current frequency and status are available in your client software. Coverage is south Columbia and north Multnomah counties of Oregon and most all of Clark county Washington. AA7BG